Can't get you out of my head
A reaction to Adam Curtis’ “Can’t Get You Out of My Head” presented in various image making.
Below is an excerpt of one of possible futures, narrated by Curtis.
“The third possibility is to try to imagine genuinely new kinds of futures.
Ones that have never existed before.
But, to do that we, as individuals, will have to regain the confidence that we have lost in this frightening & uncertain time.
Already, the psychological theories that tell us we are weak & manipulable are cracking, & more & more people are beginning to realise that the frighten & anxiety & suspicion they feel inside them - may really just be the raw material for the technology corporations to feed off.
It may be that we are really far stronger than we think.
The one thing that is certain, is that the world of the future will be different & the people in that future will feel and think differently too.
If we could regain our confidence, we will find that we have the power to influence how that future turns out. As a first step, we have to start imagining what kind of future it is we want to build.
The anthropologist and activist David Graeber, who died last year, described the forgotten idea that is waiting to be rediscovered & how thrilling it could be: ‘The ultimate hidden truth of the world’, he wrote, ‘is that it is something we make and could just as easily make different’.”